Social Justice Initiative
Vision Statement
Every individual, organization, and community will have equitable access to life-long resources required to reach their highest potential within a peaceful and just world.
Mission Statement
Co-create space and dedicate time for dialogue, reflection, relationship-building, and action to dismantle the structures and systems of injustice that perpetuate social inequities and disparities, honoring inherent interconnections and interdependencies.
Core Beliefs
All life is interconnected and deserves to be valued.
Everyone has the capacity to lead and be a teacher-learner.
Acts of injustice are learned behaviors.
The components of social justice can be taught, learned, embodied, and enacted within and among individuals and communities.
Healing and reconciliation within and among individuals and communities are steps on a journey toward liberation from vengeance, violence, destruction, and turmoil.
Four Pathways to Justice
These four pathways are most powerful when used together to activate socially-just individuals, families, organizations, communities, and policies. They are all active processes, not end states. Each pathway requires that we avoid passivity and are active participants in Life. Collectively, these pathways urge risk-taking with intention, and genuinely seeking connections within, between, and among individuals and others.
The Social Justice Initiative pathways are defined as follows:
Forgiveness: Acknowledging injustices as we transform from identifying as victim to identifying as survivor and from perpetuating harm to practicing social justice
Cultural Humility: Remaining grounded in our own knowing and unknowing as we continue to come to know others
Courage and Compassion: Facing fear and choosing to move forward anyway, with a commitment to remaining desirous of supporting others though suffering
Radical Love: Recognizing the Good in others simply because they exist
Upcoming SJI Events
To stay up to date on SJI news and events, please send an email to to join our Community Email List!!
Leading with Impact, Nonprofit Executive certificate
This spring, the Nonprofit Executive Leadership Institute (NELI) at the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (GSSWSR) will be offering a Nonprofit Executive certificate titled Leading with Impact from April - June 2025. The SJI will facilitate the fourth of ten sessions: "Building Impactful Internal Strategic Alliances: Sustaining Individual and Their Organizations."
To apply or learn more, click here.

Contact Us
Social Justice Initiative
Darlyne Bailey, Ph.D.
Founder & Executive Director of the Social Justice Initiative
Katherine E. McBride Professor Emeritus & Dean Emeritus of the Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research
Phone: 610-526-5180